T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANKARA / ELMADAĞ - Gazi Şahin Anadolu Lisesi

If I Were== Eğer Ben Olsaydım(1)

If I Were== Eğer Ben Olsaydım(1)






''IF I WERE...'' adlı eTwinning projesine Gazi Şahin Anadolu Lisesi olarak katıldık. Okulumuzun İngilizce öğretmeni Emine NİGAR yönetiminde 10. sınıf öğrencilerimiz Gülay KUTLU, Firdevs Nur ASLAN,Fatma Selin SELOĞLU,Arda Eren ŞAHABAT,Ahmet KARADEMİR,Sudenaz GÜRBÜZ ve Ezelnaz AKBIYIK ile proje yürütülecektir.Avrupa ortaklı olan projede Romanya'dan 8,Polonya'dan 1,Ermenistan'dan 1,Moldova'dan 1,İtalya'dan 1,Litvanya'dan 1,Bulgaristan'dan 1 ve Türkiye'den 10 ortak olarak proje çalışmaları gerçekleştirilecektir.

 Projemizin Amaçları

 Bu projeye katılarak öğrenciler:

- Dil becerilerini geliştirecek;

- BT becerilerini geliştirecek;

- farklı ülkelerde yaşayan bitki ve hayvanları tanıyacak;

- dünyadaki bitki ve hayvanların yaşamındaki renkler hakkındaki bilgilerini derinleştirin,

- renklerin hayatımızdaki önemini bilecek;

- farklı ülkelerden ünlü insanlar hakkında bilgi sahibi olacak;

- farklı ülkelerden ünlü insanlar hakkındaki bilgilerini derinleştirecek;

- yabancı öğrencilerle işbirliği yapmayı öğrenecek;

- ortak ülkelerden gelen öğrenciler arasında arkadaş edinecek.

Projemiz Hakkında

 8-16 yaş arasındaki öğrenciler harika hayal dünyasına girecek ve bir an için olmadıkları ama istedikleri gibi olmaya çalışacaklar.

Öğrenciler kendi ülkelerinden bir bitki, bir hayvan, bir renk ya da ünlü bir insan olduklarını hayal edecekler ve yarattıkları "Olsaydım ..." başlıklı ortak bir e-kitapta yer alacaklar.

Karma takımlara ayrılarak, dünyadaki bitki ve hayvanların yaşamındaki renkler ve önemleri hakkındaki bilgilerini derinleştirecek ve biri "Doğadan Gelen Renkli ve Komik Mesajlar" diğeri "Gökkuşağı Renklerinin Büyüsü" üzerine 2 ortak e-kitap oluşturacaklar.

Son olarak, öğrenciler kısa bir bibliyografya yazacak ve ülkelerinden ünlü bir kişi için bir Wakelet Koleksiyonunda toplanacak bir Facebook profili oluşturacaklar. Bu bilgilere dayanarak, "Ünlü İnsanlarımızı Keşfet ve Öğren" başlıklı ortak bir sınav ve "Ünlü İnsanlarımız" başlıklı ortak bir e-kitap yapacaklar.

 We participated in the eTwinning project ''IF I WERE...'' as Gazi Şahin Anatolian High School under the direction of Emine NIGAR, our school's English teacher. The project will be carried out with our 10th grade  students Gülay KUTLU, Firdevs Nur ASLAN,Fatma Selin SELOĞLU,Arda Eren ŞAHABAT,Ahmet KARADEMİR,Sudenaz GÜRBÜZ ve Ezelnaz AKBIYIK.In the project, which is European partners, project work will be carried out as 8 partners from Romenia,one partner from Poland,one partner from Armenia,one partner from Moldova,one partner from Italy,one partner from Lithuania,one partner from Bulgaria and 10 partners from Turkey.


By participating in this project, the students:
- will improve their language skills;
- will develop their IT skills;
- will know plants and animals that live in different countries;
- deepen their knowledge of the colors in the life of plants and animals on Earth,
- will know the importance of colors in our lives;
- will learn about famous people from different countries;
- will deepen their knowledge about famous people from different countries;
- will learn to collaborate with foreign students;
- will make friends among students from partner countries

 About the project

Students between the ages of 8 and 16 will enter the wonderful world of imagination and will try, for a moment, to be what they are not, but they want.
Students will imagine that they are a plant, an animal, a color or a famous person from their country and their creations will be included in a collaborative e-book entitled "If I Were...".
Divided into mixed teams, they will deepen their knowledge about the colors in the life of plants and animals on Earth, as well as their significance and will make 2 collaborative e-books, one on "Colourful and Funny Messages from Nature" and the other on"Magic of the Rainbow Colours".
Finally, students will write a short bibliography and create a Fakebook profile for a famous person from their country, which will be collected in a Wakelet Collection. Based on this information, they will do a collaborative quiz "Discover and Find Out About Our Famous People" and a collaborative e-book entitled "Our Famous People".



 Our project introduction video for students


Our Project presentation!


Our City Intro


Our School Intro


Our Mem -Funny Works



Pre Survey for Teachers


Our Parental Permission Certificates


My Students are playing partner schools games







European Language Day





Our Word Wall Game 



Code Week 2021



Our project Netiquette

The rules of our project and Twinspace were introduced to my students.






 Our project was introduced to my students.


My students' Code and Drawings




Our Code Week Certificates




Our School Logo


My students' logo Works



My students are preparing their logos



The collaborative quizz for our project rules 


Dear friends, this is our game about E-SAFETY:



Our First Teacher Meeting



My students November-December Works

In this volume of the e-book "If I Were ..." students will imagine that they are a plant and will argue the choice made.


In this volume of the e-book "If I Were ..." students will imagine that they are an animal and will argue the choice made.


Our collaborative Kahoot game






Our Collaborative story with Iffy


Iffy decided that competition challenges should be the challenges the world was  struggling with. Drought, thirst and environmental pollution had struggled with the hardships of the world. Iffy called the other contestants and explained the stages of the contest. The competition consisted of three days. On the first day, the contestants would experience what a life without water would be like. Competitors thought that there could be no day without water. On the second day, the contestants would spend a day where the whole place was covered with garbage. Competitors considered this day was too risky because they could get sick. On the third day they would try to grow plants in a dry land. Competitors could not understand this stage. Plants could not grow in arid and dead soil. They could not give up.


Iffy's best friends







Slogans of our Story- Iffy's Travel Story Slogans



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Yayın: 08.05.2022 - Güncelleme: 08.05.2022 23:49 - Görüntülenme: 676
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